However, creator Brendan Greene has made it clear that he is eager to move away from the format where the company has made its name, in pursuit of new creative projects. At The Game Awards in December 2019, Prologue became the first game to be revealed since Greene stepped away from PUBG development to focus on personal projects with PUBG Corporation. Very few details were given about what to expect, but here’s everything we know about Prologue so far. 

When will Prologue be released?

Nothing has been revealed so far, but all the suggestions are that it will be available after the next-gen PlayStation and Xbox consoles are released. That might mean we have to wait until 2021 to get our hands on the game. 

What platforms will Prologue be playable on?

As well as the aforementioned next-gen consoles, Prologue is expected to be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. We doubt there will be a mobile version unless the game proves to be immensely popular. 

Latest Prologue trailer

A few seconds of teaser trailer is all we have so far. This was released alongside its unveiling at The Game Awards in December 2019.

What can we expect from Prologue?

All signs point to Prologue being a meaningful personal project for Greene, as opposed to catering to the masses. The short trailer suggests it will be dark, suspenseful single player open world. Some eagle-eyed commenters noticed that slowing down the lightning strike shows a different landscape for a split-second, before returning to the original scene. It’s hard to work out what that might mean though.  If Prologue follows similar naming customs to PUBG, it would be known as PUP. This acronym would disguise what is an altogether more mysterious game.  We’ll update this when we have more information, which will likely be sometime in 2020. In the meantime, check out the best upcoming games.  As the resident expert on Windows, Senior Staff Writer Anyron’s main focus is PCs and laptops. Much of the rest of his time is split between smartphones, tablets and audio, with a particular focus on Android devices.